« A strong project leader, a key to make the deal successful. »
Bruno Plouvier, Strategic Solution Architect
« I worked together with Cecile to design and implement a web portal in order to manage and increase our businesses with one of our strategic accounts. Cecile’s contribution was key to make the deal successful to both customer and Ericsson. She has many skills that combined makes her a strong project leader. She’s very analytical and customer minded and also has the ability to listen all parties involved in a discussion before setting up a strategy that will be supported by all members of the team (even india devellopers !). This particular intelligence makes her a fast learner even when she’s not in her comfort zone/area. On top of all this, I always had fun while working with Cecile. She is passionate about what she does and her positive attitude to do a job well done spreads around who works with him. I strongly recommend Cecile as a multimedia project leader who stands out from the crowd! »